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Festival Events Season: Preparations Start Now!

With festival events season upon us it’s time to start getting preparations in order. Summer is the season of events, perfect for bringing everyone together to celebrate mutual passions, from food to music and films. Event preparation during the festival season can be...

Top tips for a successful experiential marketing event

Experiential marketing is the name given to interactive events where a platform or display area is constructed to allow people to use and experience products and services hands-on. These events present businesses with a unique opportunity to engage potential customers...
Using festival structures to stand out from the crowd

Using festival structures to stand out from the crowd

The UK festival market is booming, and more people than ever before are substituting their summer holiday abroad in favour of adding another live music event to their repertoire. But with so many options on offer, how can you ensure that your event stands out from the...

New Year, New Website, New Experience

We’re excited to have launched our new-look website at the tail end of last year, ready to start 2018 with a bang. At Media Structures, our mission has always been to deliver innovation with impressive, economical and creative experiences in everything we do – and...