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Experiential marketing is the name given to interactive events where a platform or display area is constructed to allow people to use and experience products and services hands-on.

These events present businesses with a unique opportunity to engage potential customers face-to-face, advocate the benefits of their products and endorse their brand. Because of this, experiential events are recognised as a highly effective way to market what a business really has to offer.

Here we list a few of the key criteria needed for a successful experiential event, especially when it comes to choosing the right event structures.

An interactive experience

An experiential event offers people the chance to interact with your products and services, so make sure that your event structure gives visitors a genuine interactive experience that allows them to touch, feel and use the products on display. This ‘try-before-you-buy’ method is highly effective and allows potential customers to immerse themselves in your brand.

Customer satisfaction

Experiential events have the potential to drive sales significantly, so it’s vitally important that visitors really enjoy this unique face-to-face encounter with a business. If your event structure delivers a positive experience to a would-be customer, this really can contribute to a heightened appreciation of your products, services and your brand as a whole.

Visually appealing

Design is a big factor in selling your brand and an experiential structure offers a fantastic opportunity to show what a business is all about. Your event should be fully representative of what your company has to offer to potential clients, allowing them to immerse themselves in what it would be like to be one of your lucky customers!

At Media Structures our experiential structures are impressive, economical and innovative. We design them to engage audiences with your business and in doing so, enable your brand to speak for itself. If you want to deliver an event to be remembered, speak to us today about our experiential marketing structures. Please call our friendly team on 020 8683 3131 to discuss your project in more detail.